
Showing posts from November, 2020


There is a truth that I have come to really embrace recently. It is one that I read from Romans 8:28 that says “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them” (NLT) . Another version says, “So we are convinced that every detail of our lives is continually woven together to fit into God’s perfect plan of bringing good into our lives…” (TPT) This verse led me and still leads me every time I seem to forget, to a conviction that no matter what is happening in my life am still good. When hell breaks loose, am still good. In high waters and heavy storms, am still good. When everything is on fire, am still good. When nothing sees to be working am still good. Am good no matter what. Why? Because God is able to use even the most despondent situation to bring good in my life. No matter how bad the situation may seem to be, am never at a disadvantage. He is the master chef who is able to use the sw...


In the beginning the earth was empty, dark and formless. The only thing that was is the spirit of God that hovered over the surface of the waters. After a while, God in his wisdom and careful design started to speak things into being. First was light on the first day, then came the water bodies and dry grounds, the vegetation, creatures of the sea and dry land until the fifth day. He spoke them all into existence by the word of his mouth. I insist, he just spoke. On the sixth day God decided to create man. This time he didn’t speak them into being, rather, he carefully made them and he did that in his likeness and image (by ‘them’ I mean male and female). He created them to operate as he does and live in the same standard as him. He made them like him; gods to rule and have dominion over the earth (Psalms 82:6) The only difference between God and the beings he created is the physical body. God is a spirit he does not have a body but we do and our spirits live in it. It is at the sp...


One of the greatest tragedies in life is when people stand and tell others who they are and those who are being told take off and live by it, for better or worse; when an individual lives on an identity conferred to him or her by people around them and not by God. Each of us unique, special in our own ways and most of all complex. The complexity of our being makes the task of self-discovery crucial and tedious as well. It doesn’t take a year or two to demystify who you are. It takes more and it’s a task that goes on an entire life. With this in mind, it’s very diminishing of any individual to let other people define him or her and not only that but just go along with it as is, no questions asked. I totally understand that a person can know something about an individual either by revelation or by close experience with that person but even these never give one a full piece by piece breakdown of someone’s identity. Furthermore, even this small glimpse someone has still needs to be che...