In the beginning the earth was empty, dark and formless. The only thing that was is the spirit of God that hovered over the surface of the waters. After a while, God in his wisdom and careful design started to speak things into being. First was light on the first day, then came the water bodies and dry grounds, the vegetation, creatures of the sea and dry land until the fifth day. He spoke them all into existence by the word of his mouth. I insist, he just spoke.

On the sixth day God decided to create man. This time he didn’t speak them into being, rather, he carefully made them and he did that in his likeness and image (by ‘them’ I mean male and female). He created them to operate as he does and live in the same standard as him. He made them like him; gods to rule and have dominion over the earth (Psalms 82:6)

The only difference between God and the beings he created is the physical body. God is a spirit he does not have a body but we do and our spirits live in it. It is at the spiritual level we bear resemblance to the creator and it’s at that level we can interact with him.

Now as the creation of the creator God with whom we share all resemblance, we must also recognize that our mouths create. With the words of our mouth, we have the ability of bringing things into existence in places that are empty, dark and formless just like God did.

Our mouths are more than objects of eating and chewing and converse with colleagues. They are tools for creation. They can shape the universe as we know it and change the world for better or worse.

The bible tells us is Proverbs 18:21 “Your words are so powerful that they will kill or give life, and the talkative person will reap the consequences” (TPT). Our words can make or destroy. Our words can build things or tear them down. Your words have power. Life or death is what you speak.

Now that you know, the question is, have you used your mouth to create or kill? Have you used your mouth and your words to propel yourself and others or you have used it to create stagnation in your life and that of those around you? Looking back on your life and around you, has your mouth been a tool of excellent creation or a tool massive destruction? What have you been talking? Do your words encourage or backstab and pierce hearts like a sword? Check.

What I want to pass on in the article is the fact that so much that is happening in our lives and those around is hinged upon what we speak. Our words have so much power and by that power, we have control over what is happening in our lives.

There is so much more to say on the topic. God, willingly I will engage in further study and writing on this. But as I do, I want to leave you with one thing which is kind of a continuation of what I said earlier in this article.

When God made man in Genesis, he also gave him dominion and rulership over the earth (Genesis 1:28-29). Unfortunately, sin came and corrupted not only the relationship between the creator and the people but also the creation itself. Man forfeited his position to the devil and became under his bondage. Both man and the earth were under a curse (Genesis 3:17-18). Still, God didn’t give up. He made a plan to redeem man and creation. Plan to forgive and restore man from dominion of the devil to his original position. He did this by sending his own son Jesus Christ to die for our sins and by faith in him whosever believes obtain redemption and restoration (John 3:16)

Outside Christ, man still lives in the bondage of the devil whose only joy is seeing them miss each and everything God has for him including the power to use their mouth right to create. When man sinned, he suffered spiritual death (Genesis 2:17). Nothing that he spoke could create life because God begets gods, life begets life and death only beget death and outside Christ, the bible says we are dead (Ephesians 2:1-3)

When the tongue is yielded to the enemy, he will use it to bring harm, death, division and more harm to one’s life and others. Only Christ can undo that. Only Christ can set us free and restore mankind to its rightful place of power and dominion in God. Only Christ can set my tongue and yours to be master tools to build, create, unite, encourage, bring hope, speak healing and life in our lives and others. Being positive isn’t enough, what is in our hearts is and when Jesus fills it, there is an abundance of life evermore.

So, if you are outside Christ and you need to commit your life fully and have him restore you and your mouth to be used for his glorious purpose, this is your moment. Find a friend who can help you with that, see a church leader and let them know of your decision to commit your life to Christ. it’s a decision you will not regret. Come to Christ.

And for the children of God out there who know who they are in Christ and those who are still finding out, don’t be silent. Speak out and speak up! Whatever you do speak right. Whatever you desire to see in your life, on your environment, in your nation or any place, speak it out, create it with your mouth! You are a son of God, the power is in you. Let there be…… (anything you want!)







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