For many years now, man has been on a quest searching and exploiting the earth of its precious metals that lie hidden and dormant in its depths. In different parts of the world, the search for these valuable materials has been going on and the only thing that will stop that is the apocalypse because while one area is being ransacked, the search for more locations continues. This whole venture is called mining and over years it’s has proven to be one of the most lucrative endeavours.

While we invest an enormous amount of money, manpower and life-years of our short time here on earth in that cause, I think more should be done elsewhere too; digging what is inside us. More should be invested in the adventurous discovery and digging of the hidden treasure within each of us. There is more within us and they will remain dormant until we decide that we shall be miners of our own, too.

As one thinker once pointed out, the richest place in the world isn’t the oil fields of the Middle East or the diamonds mines of South Africa, but rather the graveyards. In them, he said, lay books that weren’t written, songs not sung, poems not written, companies not started, movements that never saw the light of day that could impact humanity positively, talents never shared and the list goes on and on. Those who were to bring to life those possibilities went away with the all abundance of treasure in them. To them we may exclaim, what a waste! But living the way we live now, we who are still alive, are we projecting any different outcome? Thought worth pondering individually.

You see, none of us is born empty. Not one single soul that walks or ever walked on this earth is empty. Born with a specific purpose, in each one, there is a deposit of treasure, ‘golds’, ‘silvers’ and ‘diamonds’ that the mighty creator, God of the universe meticulously put in each one of us.

More than the earth we step on, we harbour inside us more than silver, diamonds and gold or oil that we labour chasing. If you will, we are walking companies, mines, oil fields and big industries beyond our imaginations, one may call all this, POTENTIAL. But potential itself is useless if not exploited.

Now, how does one access all that and reap the full benefit of what his/her creator put inside of him? It all starts from the beginning, GOD.

All that we are is because of God. Our origin comes from one God of heaven, the source of everything in the universe. Things that we hope to achieve and become sometimes may seem like the doing of our own genius but it's God all along.

Being the creator of all, God knows WHY he created each of us, predetermined WHERE we will be on a moment to moment basis and WHAT we ought to do. He is the architect of our lives and has the blueprint of each one’s entire existence. If we are to know ourselves and what we are made of-the hidden treasures within us-we need to start from the one who made us and designed all there is in us to be where and how it is.

King David said, “You formed my innermost being, shaping my delicate inside and my intricate outside, and wove them all together in my mother’s womb…It simply amazes me to think about it! How thoroughly you know me, Lord! You even formed every bone in my body when you created me in the secret place; carefully, skillfully you shaped me from nothing to something. You saw who your created me to be before I became me! Before I’d seen the light of day, the number of days you planned for me were already recorded in your book” (Psalms 139:13-16 TPT).

To know ourselves is to, first of all, know the God who saw each of us way before we became and knew who everyone will be. Getting acquainted with him is the only way our selves can be unfolded to us. Without that, we shall walk in blindness and live our lives sub-optimum. To know about the product, we need to return it to the manufacturer.


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