It is amazing to think that of all the things that God created, its only man that he actually touched. All things he spoke and they became but when it came to man God has to take his time to mould and shape all the intricate parts together. He got his hands dirty when we made man. The all genius God, also known as the Omnipotent God, was so meticulous with his work that it takes years to study and master the anatomy of just a specific area of the body, leave alone the whole of it. He masterfully made us. Every part of the body was perfectly designed, perfectly made to perform its function.

The overall purpose of such divine tasks was for man to be fully functional able to efficiently carry his tasks here on earth. The summary of these tasks is, to subdue the earth and have dominion over it. One part that was and is to help a man with that is the brain.

It is worth knowing that every creature in the universe was given the means to survive, be great and unique in its specific niche. From the skies to marine life, every creature has means to adapt to survive in its surroundings. The eagle for example, with its excellent visual acuity and strong majestic wings, it can fly heights that no bird can, able to handle boisterous winds, making it the king of the skies with some control over the land.

In the wilderness, the Lion, known to be the king of the jungle, has an attitude that no other animal has. Its masterfully hunting skills makes him one of the most feared animals in the wilderness.

Sharks will be the first thought when you think of marine life. Though in the sea, its terror is heard even in deepest parts of the land. His ability to detect its prey from a mile away and their strategic hunting methods, sets them apart from any sea life there is.

Now what about man?

Man, who was made in the image and likeness of God to have dominion over all the creation cannot be an exception. He was given the brain as means of survival, become unique and greatest in all the creation. The brain.

Our brains are the most powerful tools we have. You can just imagine, with all that we have been able to accomplish so far, scientist say that we have accomplished all that by only a fraction of our brains, a maximum of ten percent. We are traveling on electric cars and sending people to the space on just ten percent of our brains. Thousands of inventions, discoveries and breakthrough keep coming only by the ten percent we have been able to access.

The entertainment industry has played its part to give us a picture of how powerful this tool is. Movies like Limitless, Transcendence and Lucy, have tried to portray what can happen when we access much more percentage of our brains. One could hear from miles away, dodge a bullet, learn endless materials in short time, read other people’s minds and so much more. Boundaries were being exceeded to unprecedented levels and whether that is true or not its just astounding to see how much the brain can do.

Watching such movies may be scary but also interesting at the same time. Some, including you, after seeing or even as you watch such films might desire that they could access more of their brains, and in my opinion it’s okay. But before you get more, the real question is, how much are you doing with what you can access, even if it’s a fraction; a fraction with which others have built ministries, invented Tesla, Bitcoin and built planes? How are you putting to use the fraction you have access to? Are you even using it at all?

In the Bible, there is a famous parable that Jesus gave of a man giving talents to his three servants. One was given five, another two and the last servant was given one. Each was told to invest what he was given while he was Gone. As I was reading this part, one thing that intrigued me was how the man decided the number of talents to give to each one: their abilities. The bible says “And unto one he gave five talents, to another two and to another one; to every man according to his ability; and straightway took his journey” (Matthew 25:15 KJV). Every man was given, every man according to his ability to handle.

Do you believe that your intelligence is one of the talents that God has given you? And that being the case you will consequently give account of how you used it to bring back more returns for him? I for one do sincerely believe all that.

You brain has an ability to think, imagine, keep and analyse information, learn skills and so forth. It is a power house of your life and even more It’s a talent that God has given each one of us just like the talents were given, “…to every man…”.  Also, there is no need to feel inferior or superior to one another because we are given at different ‘amounts’, and it’s on the basis of respective amounts that we shall all give an account to God on how we used them to bring him more returns. The one had ‘five’ will not be judged as one given ‘two’ or ‘seven’

Someone once said that our lives are God’s gift to us, how we use that life is our gift to God. The brain was given to you, how you use it is a gift back to God. Will you even use it for God or you have other plans?

To my Christian friends, we are God’s servants put in this world, with talents to use to give God more than what he has given us. more from our resources, more from our families, churches, communities and more in his Kingdom. 

Our world needs solutions to problems that exist and keep surfacing. As people of God, now more than ever we should not just employ prayers and fasting to engage the challenges in the world but also our intelligences. Our churches need to grow, they have issues to be settled as well. In our God given families and communities we are needed. We cannot do all that by prayer alone. Our brains have a role to pray too and we cannot afford to divorce them from doing that. 

Am pleased to see how big we are at using other more spiritual talents but as we do that lets not bury this one talent God has given us. If we effectively do that, we will stop praying for chairs but look at the trees and with our intellect find out how to get chair out of them. We will start seeing solutions, start inventing and use the resources we have already been provided to propel us forward. Prayer will be less of asking and begging and come back to communication and our lives will be more of the dominion God wants us to have on this beautiful planet and I strongly believe that we can make that happen. We have all the tools we need. 

There is more to be said on the potential that the brain has to change our lives as people. There is more to know, there is more to explore. As a beginning, may we all arrive to the place where we know our brains are powerful tools given to us by God that are to be used to give God more glory. As the servants who were given talents, you and I will give an account of how we used our brains to produce more of what we had. Let’s us not bury it but instead invest it wisely. Bless you!


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