There is a truth that I have come to really embrace recently. It is one that I read from Romans 8:28 that says “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them” (NLT). Another version says, “So we are convinced that every detail of our lives is continually woven together to fit into God’s perfect plan of bringing good into our lives…” (TPT)

This verse led me and still leads me every time I seem to forget, to a conviction that no matter what is happening in my life am still good. When hell breaks loose, am still good. In high waters and heavy storms, am still good. When everything is on fire, am still good. When nothing sees to be working am still good. Am good no matter what.


Because God is able to use even the most despondent situation to bring good in my life. No matter how bad the situation may seem to be, am never at a disadvantage. He is the master chef who is able to use the sweet and the bitter, the salty and sugary all together to bring a tantalizing aroma of my life. Speaking of turning lemons into lemonade, He invented it.

This is also true for any child of God, you included when you let this verse sink into your heart and shape how you see the misfortunes in your life. When you hold on strongly onto the promise of God even when it doesn’t make sense and everything in you wants to scream out loud why that happened to you.

No matter how painful or devastating it might be it is not the end and you are not a loss yet. God is in control.

Everything has a reason.

The boss that fired you isn’t rendering you jobless. It may be God making you available for the next level of your life. Or it is an opportunity for you to rethink your career direction. It may also be the time for you to work on that dream of yours that you have been postponing because of tight work schedule, a dream that will take you farther in life than your job ever could. It may be the answered prayer of your child who desperately needs your parental care in his or her moment of crisis.

You think you are a bad egg because your spouse left you? Wait until you see God uses that as an opportunity to connect you with your forever saving you from a wrong and painful marriage in the future. Or it could be that you were going too far in your boundaries and to protect both of you God had to keep you apart for a while as he works in both of you separately.

In your workplace, that colleague who keeps throwing all extra work at you is a pain in your throat, but in God that could be an opportunity to train how to do more, accomplish bigger things than your peers, something that will set you up for more success in your life and career than your peer. Its could also be an opportunity to gain more skills.

You thinking your supervisor is so harsh on you may be quite true, but in the hands of God, he is able to use angry tantrums he keeps throwing at you as an instrument to develop patience and ability to forgive in you. And who doesn’t know that faith plus patience bring to pass the promises of God in your life? (Hebrews 6:12)

You think you got delayed because the bus left you? Behind the scenes, God may be working out for you to meet someone so crucial to your destiny in the next bus you catch. Or he may be saving you from so further delays if you caught that bus because it will be stopped for a search by traffics.

You know what am talking about? I bet you do already.

So, there are billions of other scenarios of that kind if I keep narrating all of them, my device will probably collapse. May these suffice to demonstrate the fact that bad things that happen to our lives are not bad when God is on top of each one of them. Most of them, in fact, all of them, are blessings in disguise and when your faith is on God who created the heaven and the earth you will eventually begin to see it that way.

As I come to the conclusion, may this truth be embedded deep within you too, meditate on it day and night until it becomes one with you: God is able to use everything, the best and worst of our lives to bring out yet the best. The worst to him still has potential for the best. So, wipe your tears for its not over yet. Bring that whining to haste and learn to give shouts of joy. Bid your goodbyes to complains for there is more to celebrate for. In the place of blaming, give God praise instead. As long as your faith is on God, stand up and keep moving, you are a victor, not a victim.


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