"One thing I ask of the Lord, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple”

(Psalm 27:4)

One thing David wanted and that one thing He sought after is to be with God. It started with desire but it did not end there, he acted, he showed effort to get it. He did not just have a strong desire and then sat down as I do sometime. He took a step.

His desire and actions also were with priority. He first wanted to dwell, be a permanent resident of the house of the Lord. Whatever he needed, he needed it permanently. He wanted to always be with him to continually gaze the beauty that the Lord has, which by principle, He needed to share the same Glory God has, and the seek him (his ways, plans, doings). He was obsessed with knowing the ways of his creator!

David desired no material things like I do most of the time. He had many things that I dream to have (and of course I do I in Christ)-lands, houses, children, ministry and so forth. He was king of a very prominent nation in the world but all those things meant nothing to David. He only needed one thing and that one thing was to be with God.

David knew a secret that I wish to know every single day. Something that made God refer to him as a man after his own heart. He knew how to touch the heart of God. He knew how to move God. He knew how to be in one tune with God. He spoke one language with God. That man!

David knew God. I want to be like David.

When I meditate this verse I come to realise that there is nothing like the presence of God in my life. All that my flesh desires and deems sweet, all together are nothing compared to the presence of God. I mean what is lacking in the presence of God? If I find myself right now fully aware that God is here and am in the presence of his majesty, what can I possibly ask for? Yet god is with me all days and everywhere. Nonetheless, I want to be in his presence.

When I think and desire like this in my life, it is impossible to be depressed, or broke, or sick or anxious about anything or a failure. I mean, those things cannot be in the presence of God and where God is, they cannot be found.

There is perfection in the presence of God, there is fullness, there is freedom, there is healing, there is power, there is safety, there is a release that is in God’s presence that my spirit, my heart and my soul can have nowhere else. Whenever I feel pressured, the place to run to is the presence of God. When the world wants to sweep me under my feet, a place to be is the presence of God. There is no place that my delicate heart can rather be. I know where my refuge is. I know, I know, I know where my heart belongs.

There is still a lot more in this verse that I have not yet seen. I will continue to meditate. But as David said, it’s also my prayer to desire and then put effort, more each day, to dwell in the house of the Lord, behold his beauty and inquire in his temple. It is my desire to keep exploring more. Being with the Lord is one breath-taking endeavour that my adventurous soul always wishes to have.

As I conclude, though I have made it personal, I pray it is true for you too; the desire. We live in a world that is constantly offering us plenty of stuffs and even when we keep receiving, we still don’t get enough, or more accurately, those things don’t satisfy our inner hunger that only God can. And one truth that I hold dear is the fact that God desires us more that we desire him. He desires to fellowship with you and I more than we need him. He did not need us to be God. He was even before, but yet he created you and I. In our imperfect attempts, lets keep striving to make him our one thing.


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