I find Bloodshot, a 2020 film starred by Vin Diesel to be a metaphor of what happens in my life, and life of any person walking in this planet. In the movie, Vin Diesel acts as soldier who lost his life in the battlefield and gets some sort of a second chance in life, or more properly, another life. This happens when his country gives his body to an ongoing research that brings him back to life but with some modification.

In his new life, his body is now made up of ‘microbots’ known as Nanites that help his body repair at a super speed each time he sustains an injury. Simply speaking, no trauma formed against him can prosper. The nanites will always rise up to the occasion for fast and more than timely repair.

Now for me, the best part of the metaphor was a scene at the end of the movie where Vin lost almost all his nanites in an explosion. What followed was, the nanites, on their own, began to come back together to reconstruct the entire body. This was not just a repair, but a full-scale reconstruction of the body that was shattered away in an explosion. You haven’t got me still, have you?

This is what I mean:

We are all made by things that makes us who we are. They are the essence of our being, part and parcel of our identity and the core of who each person includes in the ‘I am’. The components that make the shape of who we are, inwardly.

To the physical body, this is none other than the blood for we know without blood there is not life.

Our inner beings however are not running in nutrients and oxygen supplied by blood. The person within each one of us has values, conscience, thoughts and thoughts patterns, ambitions, bonds made with other beings, faith, experiences, imaginations, and many other intangibles that make life whole and meaningful. These things keeps us going on most part and just as without the blood the physical body is lifeless, similarly, we feel perturbed and sometimes even a feeling of emptiness slips in when any of these things are in shamble and don’t seem to hold together.

Falling apart is how most of us an describe how that experience feels like; love lost, faith under fire, convictions tested, hope shattered, thoughts disorganized, conscience burdensome, values trodden under, and so on. Most often this feels like we are at the lowest of our lives, the rock bottom which usually is.

Anyone who have lived this life at one point in time must have experienced any of those things. Such are moments which are equivalent to nanites, our ‘nanites’ being hit by a grenade and are falling away. When things that hold our beings together are falling apart and along with our selves.

For all of us, such moments have proved to be the most back-breaking part of our existence. And they should be. However, how one perseveres through it, in time, order is re-established and wholeness is restored. What was lost is regained, peace and order is restored and one grows stronger in heart and mind than he was before. No such disintegration in life is permanent, but one has to persevere and go through it.

A goodbye note as I conclude.

In the movie, Vin in lost 100% of his nanites after the last two heavy blasts. However, he regained them all and with few modifications, he became more stable than he previously was, and life went on. The blast pushed his to his limits but then also opened a door for modifications that made his to be more. In the end, he was better than before the blasts took him.

The metaphor is true to anyone. Blast are bound to happen, but with little perseverance, they are a doorway to better and more. Be bold. Be strong and courageous especially if you are going through the blast of your own right now. There is more. Keep moving.


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