For many years now, man has been on a quest searching and exploiting the earth of its precious metals that lie hidden and dormant in its depths. In different parts of the world, the search for these valuable materials has been going on and the only thing that will stop that is the apocalypse because while one area is being ransacked, the search for more locations continues. This whole venture is called mining and over years it’s has proven to be one of the most lucrative endeavours. While we invest an enormous amount of money, manpower and life-years of our short time here on earth in that cause, I think more should be done elsewhere too; digging what is inside us. More should be invested in the adventurous discovery and digging of the hidden treasure within each of us. There is more within us and they will remain dormant until we decide that we shall be miners of our own, too. As one thinker once pointed out, the richest place in the world isn’t the oil fields of the Middle East o...